Corporate Sponsorship

We welcome support from corporate sponsors. Whether your company would like to nominate us as your ‘Charity of the Year’, provide a corporate gift or sponsor a day out, we would love to hear from you. There are many ways in which you can help.

Collection pots – we are happy to provide collection pots for your customers to drop their loose change into.

Sponsor a wish – no two wishes are the same and each child will have a different wish. From visiting a fire station, attending theme a park or a show/circus or riding a horse.

Gifts in Kind – Lots of ways to help us, marketing equipment, fundraising prizes (raffles).

Sponsor our marketing material – the only funds removed from the charity are for marketing purposes. Without the funds to provide leaflets, banners and event equipment, it is difficult for us to promote ourselves.

Sponsor our Annual Party – Each year we will hold a party to raise funds so that we continue to help and support the children and their families.


melbek logoWe are extremely grateful to Melbek Technology in Leiston, Suffolk, who kindly offered to build and host our website and to provide us with a photographer who has kindly produced a video and photos for the website.